Melatonin and Better Sleep

This Week's Wellness Topic

Melatonin & Sleep

Not sleeping well? Many people grab melatonin because is considered natural. However, most people treat Melatonin like a sleeping pill and completely take it incorrectly.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the body. It is triggered by darkness. Melatonin is triggered when the sunlight fades each day.

Melatonin is not like a sleeping pill that completely knocks you out. Rather, think of Melatonin as the wind down hormone or the “darkness hormone”. It’s there to set the mood and get you cozy.

Some people are very in tune to their Melatonin. Think about the dark winter months when it gets to be 4:30pm, the light is fading, and you are already tired. This is supposed to happen! Yet the modern world has conditioned us to fight that instinct and stay away by using all sorts of stimuli, light, caffeine, activity.

What most people do wrong when taking a Melatonin supplement?

1. Take too much Melatonin.
2. Increase to more melatonin when it doesn’t work.

Less is more with Melatonin when used for sleep. The appropriate dose is anywhere from 0.5 mg to 3 mg.
May people find that they have a reverse reaction when they take too much Melatonin for their body. Waking up in the middle of the night and having insomnia are common effects.

The hormone melatonin for sleep is only meant to trigger that wind down phase and create a calm atmosphere, like a dimmer switch. This is to counter its “partner” Cortisol which we want higher in the beginning of the day.

So why are the products on the shelf 6mg, 10mg, 20 mg? ALL Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Anyone can make a supplement and they go largely unchecked for what is actually in the bottle.
Melatonin does have other therapeutic uses in which case a higher does is appropriate. But, the less is more with melatonin.
If melatonin isn’t working for you, cut the amount you are taking. If that still isn’t working, consider all the other tips and tricks to increasing your natural melatonin. (see below)

Are you actually triggering your own natural Melatonin?

Unfortunately many of us are not. In the modern world we have indoor lighting and an abundance of screens that emit blue light. All this light confuses our body to think that it is still day time. So if you are working on your computer, watching TV, or doing things on your smart phone until right before you attempt to goto bed, your natural melatonin is not triggered.

The other suppressor of natural melatonin is it hormone friend Cortisol. Cortisol is supposed to be highest in the earlier part of the day. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. When we are stressed, Cortisol goes up as part of the “flight or fight” response. Unfortunately, many many people have Cortisol levels that are chronically high due to the stress. If we are not managing our stress, Melatonin doesn’t have a fighting chance because we have so much circulating cortisol. They are meant to work together and counterbalance each other.

7 Tips for Producing Your Natural Melatonin

1. Get Exposure to Sunlight in the morning. Sit by a sunny window or get outside for 15-20 minutes…or more. If you work in a theatre or space with no windows this is a challenge, so you must be purposeful about getting outside.

2. In the evening decrease the bright lights in the house, 2 hours before you want to goto bed.
3. If you must work on a screen purchase yourself some blue blocker glasses to wear when working on a computer or using a screen

4. Decrease screen use 2 hours to 30 minutes before bed. 2 hours is optimal but 30 minutes minimum should be done. It takes the brain TWO hours to calm down and get into rest mode after exposure to screens. I know I am guilty of looking at texts in bed. Put the phone away from your bed and out of reach if you are trying to sleep more.

5. Try taking and Epsom salt bath at night before bed. Magnesium in the Epsom salt is a mineral that aids in sleep.

6. Try mediation, intentional breathing exercises, or relaxing breath work style yoga in a dim or dark space.

7. Because melatonin can affect your sleep-wake cycle, avoid taking it with alcohol or caffeine. These can interfere with your circadian rhythm and natural melatonin production.

Screens, Screens and Screens; Why You Need Blue Blockers

It can take 2 hours for your brain to calm down after looking at a screen. Computers, tablets, and smart phones are the particular offender.

If you work on a screen or use your phone a lot in the evening, Blue blocker glasses are something you should invest in. There are a ton of options out there. I like something fun and funky. Check out the Book Club (TBC) glasses.

Quote of the Week

Next Topics:

Being Ready for the Last Minute Audition

Brain Healthy Supplements for Mental Wellness

SIBO:What is it and Why is it Important

Prioritizing Health & Using Swings

Health Coaching

The real work and education at Theatre RN happens in my coaching sessions. If you want to explore your own unique whole wellness, contact me for a free consult.

As always my business is primarily a word of mouth business. Please share this Newsletter and my services with friends.

Until Next time, I will be over here behind the curtain advocating for the best health & wellness for all in the Theatre Industry.

Health and Happiness,

Nicole, your Theatre RN

Theatre RN

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